Beautiful boys, being earnest.
graphics by rrrosa.

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Check out my brain.


April 28: Added to the Fic page: Objection.

January 22: Added to the Fic page: Grow Into It and Nighttime.

January 7: Added to the Gothland page: Gothland - And In The End, which is the last installment, along with Author's Notes.

January 3: Added to the Gothland page: Gothland - Surprise Endings, which is not the last installment, despite its name.

December 31: Added to the Gothland page: Gothland - Face Off, next in the series.

December 30: Rediscovered, of all things, Kinder, Gentler, a snarky reaction to the "gentling" of Eminem for the 2001 Grammys.

December 30: Created Gothland, a home for all my Goth!Sync stories.

December 30: Added to the Fic page: Gothland - Move Your Body, Sequel #1 to Gothland - On the Porch.

December 21: Added to the Fic page: Corset, a snapshot of slightly different desire.

December 9: Added to the Fic page: Gothland - Emmy Sue, a prequel to Gothland - On the Porch.

My life as a fan
of sparkly pretty boys just
keeps on staying fun.

My friends, my writing...
and of course the boys themselves...
conspire to lure me.

See me struggling? Yeah.
Didn't think so. That's why
I'm updating now.

The necessary evil:

The stories on these pages are works of fiction meant for mature audiences only. They may all be assumed to contain homoerotic themes with varying levels of explicit content. If this is more than you can handle, please walk on by. Seriously. I don't want to be involved in your childhood trauma.

Okay, so you passed the first test. Good. Here's the next one:

The stories on these pages are based on the public personas of five real people. I do not know these people, and I do not make any claims to know their private emotions and/or sexual practices. And you know, frankly, at this point I wouldn't want to know them. It would be hard to keep a straight face while thinking about imaginary foot fetishes and the like.

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