Site Journal, aka What's New (former), ramblings/musings loosely related to the topic of this website.
Look here when you want to know what the history of this site has been. I don't know if it's interesting to you, but it might make it easier for Christina and J to keep track of each other.

Date What happened? Where is it?
03.02.03 Wow, a whole year. And the story I'm adding isn't even mine. Presenting Rivki's Diary of JC. JC's Diary
04.18.02 More updating: Chicago, Illinois Is Like a Shiny Toy for SAA. J is proud of it! Chicago, Illinois. . .
04.07.02 We moved to! We worship at the altar of Wax! new url:
01.23.02 Posted Crossover of DOOM! Part 4. Melodrama alert!!!!! Oh, and Methos is slashy with everyone. He's the O Negative of all slash fandoms. He just goes with everyone! CoD, part 4
01.12.02 Links page redux, some minor tinkering with the main page. Added a different paragraph about why we don't update more often. Heh. Somehow the Pics page was miraculously updated, and I think it was from when I was on a plane and bored. Its not great, but not too shabby. Links, Pics
12.02.01 Added Links.htm, the entire thing!! Added image map to bottom picture at the main page. Created rossetti and pics pages, but left basically blank. Updated 'updates.' Links
10.14.01 Finally finished (and posted) the third part of the CoD. Oh, most of the strip poker scene was written when Christina was wasted on Alize and vodka. I think that's all the explanation necessary. CoD, part 3
10.2.01 Created Site Journal to have minor organization, oh, and procrastinate. Duh, you're looking at it!
9.29.01 Site Inception - Mostly, Christina and J were inspired to have a place to giggle about cute boys as well as hone their web-diva skills. Splash and main page
CoD, parts 1 and 2,

Write to Christina and J - Back to Website of Cuteness