group pics

I love these pictures so much, they get their very own page. I give you Page, the Third:

Lance is hoping JC picks *him*, of course.

Chris is stylin', baby. I love this look. I want to take him to school with me. I don't go to school, but I'm not going to let this get in my way. In fact, they all win--they look great.

Is Lance wearing tennis shoes? Are all the other guys wearing vaguely creepy thin dress shoes?

Okay, Chris looks very fake here. Good, but fake. JC's looking fucking hot--I kind of want to lick him. Those cheekbones. Joey and Justin are feelin' the cheekbone vibe. Lance is just laid back, watchin' his man go to town. Ya gotta have trust to make a relationship work, man.

Hey, Lance is *not* in fact wearing tennis shoes. Hmmm. However, I stand firm on the creepy dress shoe thing.

Justin's pissed because JC's movin' in on his woman. Lance is disgusted with the whole thing. Chris--um, I don't know. But it's cute!

Burn, baby, burn!

JC's back to his flamey self, and all is well in the Nsync world.

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